

Helping Emma Persuade Charles

At some level of consciousness, Victorians understood that the real threat to the Abrahamic religious worldview was not Charles’s evolutionary perspective on the natural world. It was the skepticism of the increasingly secular world about the importance, even more the unique status, of the human species in the story of the universe and its creation.
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Charles Darwin wrote that The Origin of Species was “one long argument” marshalling evidence not only for his theory of descent with modification through variation and natural selection but also against independent or special creation of each species by a creator. He showed over and over again that the facts are explicable “on my theory”...
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For Charles Darwin, traditional invocations of the necessity of human free will to explain why God would allow widespread suffering were, at best, irrelevant to the suffering and death of non-human animals, which started long before the advent of human beings. A being so powerful and so full of knowledge as a God who could...
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